Codtal Logo

We build software

Let’s have a chat to meet each other

Hey, tell me more about what you do
Vasile Ropot

Vasile Ropot

Co-Founder & FullStack Developer
We're a collective of passionate indie developers, designers, and creators that build digital products which stand out 🌟
Oh, this is great!
Dacian Rusu

Dacian Rusu

Co-Founder & FrontEnd Developer
We assist from concept to launch, you might refer to us as the team to make your software dream a reality. 🏗️💡
I love it!
Cleopatra Ropot

Cleopatra Ropot

FrontEnd Developer
Hello! I am here to make our portfolio’s visuals our biggest flex👏.
Ina Ropot

Ina Ropot

FrontEnd Developer
Yep, and I make sure the user experience is as striking as our designs. User satisfaction is key 🔑
Indeed, that is true
Victoria Gatcan

Victoria Gatcan

UI/UX Designer
We strive for that 'wow' moment every time. 😲😱🤩
Emm.. Sounds like an outsourcing company?
Vasile Ropot

Vasile Ropot

Co-Founder & FullStack Developer
Not really. Think of us more as a creative collective! 🎨✨. If you’re dreaming of making a real impact, we’re the crew you want. Drop us a line at
Have you got some socials?
Dacian Rusu

Dacian Rusu

Co-Founder & FrontEnd Developer
Sure, check out the links bellow:
Awesome, gotcha! Catch you on the feed. 🤘😎